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Bad Movie Bunker: Teenagers From Outer Space (1959)
Megan suggested we put this cheesy classic into consideration for a bad movie bunker viewing. Director/writer/producer/editor/kitchen...

A Sound Of Thunder (2017)
Patron Rob suggested we check out the film that "almost ended Peter Hyams' career" after our review of Outland. So back into the BAd...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: I, Frankenstein (2014)
Neither of us really knew what to expect when we sat down in the bunker to watch Stuart Beattie's adaptation of Kevin Grevioux's graphic...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Megaforce (1982)
Grab your bandannas and lycra suits, folks! We're diving back into the bad movie bunker to talk about the 80s action sci-fi flick,...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Heavy Metal 2000 (2000)
Following on from last year's look at anthology space opera boobsfest, Heavy Metal, our patron Jennifer suggested we consider a place in...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Madame Web (2024)
Okay, okay, I know everyone's already dunked on this film for months now. Â But now we're gonna do that too. It's Bad Movie Bunker meets...

Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
Happy Life Day! We've raced home to Kashyyyk to be with our hairy family and celebrate the reason for the season. We discuss the iconic,...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER - Split Second (1992)
Our Patron Omar suggested we get a couple of copies of Split Second into the bunker, telling us "Imagine crossing Se7en with Alien and...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: The Flash (2023)
Join us as we venture into the Bad Movie Bunker once again. This time we look at Ezra Miller's tumultuous return as The Flash. From...

Bad Movie Bunker: Twisted Pair (2018)
We step into the twisted mind of the twistedly prolific purveyor of bunker-worthy movies, Neil Breen, for his twisted sci-fi Twisted Pair....

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Space Mutiny (1988)
"This film is basically Macbeth in space" - James, Journey Through Sci-Fi. Hey, put that quote on your DVD cover, guys! With thanks to...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)
Back into the dark depths of the Bad Movie Bunker we go... This week as voted for by YOU! our truly awesome patrons, we talk Pluto Nash,...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Radioactive Dreams (1985)
We're returning to the deep dark depths of the Bad Movie Bunker this week to unearth Radioactive Dreams from the king of low-budget...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Mac and Me (1988)
We are back in the Bad Movie Bunker once again. This time we've picked Mac and Me off of the shelf, the Coca Cola and McDonalds endorsed...

BAD MOVIE BUNKER: Fant4stic (2015)
Welcome to the Bad Movie Bunker Patrons! This week we sit down in the bunker to watch big budget disaster Fantastic Four from 2015...
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