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VR E18: Conclusion
In the conclusion episode of their journey through Virtual Reality in sci-fi cinema, James and Matt discuss what they have learnt during...

VR E17: Star Trek Special
This week James and Matt once again dive into the world of the Star Trek universe. They discuss the iconic Holodeck and Matt picks out a...

VR E16: Black Mirror Special
This week Matt and James step into the dystopian world of Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror to look at three episodes in which Virtual...

VR E15: Anime Special - Sword Art Online (2012) & Summer Wars (2009)
This week James takes Matt on a whistle stop tour of the world of Japanese Anime, and the subgenre of Isekai. They also discuss the...

VR E14: eXistenZ (1999) & Ready Player One (2018)
This week James and Matt look at dangerous virtual reality games. They discuss David Cronenberg's eXistenZ (1999) and Stephen Spielberg's...

VR E13: Paprika (2006) & Inception (2010)
This week Matt and James discuss the way in which VR technology is used to explore the world of dreams in Satoshi Kon's Parpika (2006)...

VR E12: Being John Malkovich (1999) & Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)
This week James and Matt take a look at the work of screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and delve into the surreal worlds of Being John...

VR E11: The Truman Show (1998) & The Stepford Wives (1975)
Matt and James veer away from the virtual this week to look at the controlled realities of The Truman Show (1998) and The Stepford Wives...

VR E10: Dark City (1998) & The Zero Theorem (2013)
James and Matt are questioning reality this week as they dive into the worlds of cult favourite Dark City (1998) and Terry Gilliam's The...

VR E09: The Matrix Reloaded (2003) & The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Matt and James head on back into the world of The Matrix to complete the trilogy and discuss The Matrix Reloaded (2003) and The Matrix...

VR E08: The Lawnmower Man (1992) & The Cell (2000) With Guest Mike Muncer Of Evolution Of Horror
This week James and Matt are once agin joined by horror expert Mike Muncer from The Evolution Of Horror. Together they discuss the...

VR E07: Johnny Mnemonic (1995) & Strange Days (1995)
This week on Journey Through Sci-Fi Matt and James explore the world of cyberpunk and discuss Johnny Mnemonic (1995) and Strange Days...

VR E06: Tron Legacy (2010) & Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (2017)
This week James and Matt get trapped in virtual reality as they discuss Tron Legacy (2010) and Jumanji" Welcome To The Jungle (2017).

VR E05: Virtuosity (1995) & Simone (S1m0ne) (2002)
This week James and Matt look at two films centred around virtually constructed people and the real world dangers they pose. To explore...

VR E04: Total Recall (1990) & Open Your Eyes (1997)
This week James & Matt look at how how VR can be used to escape your own identity. They discuss Paul Verhoeven's sci-fi classic Total...

VR E03: Brainstorm (1983) & Empathy, Inc. (2018)
This week James & Matt discuss Brainstorm (1983) and Empathy, Inc. (2018). Two films which feature a lot of shady business and show VR...

VR E02: World On A Wire (1973) & The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
This week Matt & James look at the theme of worlds within worlds in virtual reality. They discuss World On A Wire (1973) directed by...

VR E01: Introduction
Journey Through Sci-Fi is back and James and Matt are here to once again guide you through the fantastic world of science fiction cinema....
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